Saturday, March 28, 2009

Speculation, speculation, speculation...

The KGB built an enormous underground network of cities under the Russian Federation. The Soviet Union continues down there, controlling the Russian Federation as a gigantic Potemkin village populated by an unknowing public while the KGB works together with the Chinese government on the ComIntern's long term objectives... Okay, probably not. Then let me tell you the one about Vlad (alias Ras) Putin's immortality and the drinking of the Tsar's blood...
While Vlad (Ras) Putin was in the KGB his opposition CIA was run by George Bush who operated brain-damaged President Ronald Reagan as a puppet in the same way he would later operate his own son George W. Bush. They maintained the illusion of democracy by allowing the Democrats to win and then neutralising them with a honeytrap scandal. No? You don't believe that one? Okay, here's another one...
In 1947 the British government in Canada were concerned about what atomic and military secrets the americans might be developing now that the British Empire was in a weakened condition after WWII, so they built a high altitude spy plane and flew over the USA photographing American military installations untill thay were shot down at Roswell, New Mexico. The American government didn't want embarrasment of admitting to the world that this kind of spy stuff was going on between such good allies as the UK and the USA so they made up the space alien story...
Don't believe it? Okay here's another one...
The Dialectic Materialism of Karl Marx was based on the Dialectic Spiritualism of Hegel and Hegel's ideas were influenced by Chinese philosophy. These days the Chinese have created their own version of Dialectic Materialism which connects it back to Taoism and Tai Chi as the source of the original wisdom. Thus class war is replaced by a dance of Yin and Yang. The new Chinese style communism doesn't try to perpetually struggle in a yang form but instead switches to a yin form allowing capitalism to predominate.
Or here's another one...
The universe appears to be expanding in the same way that the world appears to be flat. Eventually we figured out that the apparent flatness of the world wasn't the real picture. One day we will realise that the universe isn't really expanding but just looks that way....
Here's another one...
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was assassinated by military intelligence because he was willing to let the Soviet Union take Japan...
No? How about this one...
John Smith, leader of the British Labour Party was assassinated by the CIA who then manouvered their undercover man, Tony Blair into his job...
Or how about...
They exact opposite side of the world from the Bermuda Triangle is in the Australian desert where weird things happen...
The British in the early 19th Century made a secret deal with the USA that the British would never try to regain the American territories as long as the Americans did one thing the British wanted... ...spread the English language to the world...
Don't believe that one? Okay how about...
Foo fighters and other atmospheric phenomena are not caused by so-called "flying saucers" but by weather formations made of particles/waves which exist in more dimensions than we are able to see? Yes, interdimensional weather.
Or how about...
The supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USA is due to erupt again. It is so big it will destroy all life on Earth except for Osama Bin Laden and a few other cockroaches which live on the exact opposite side of the planet from Montana, in Afghanistan. That's why everybody's fighting over Afghanistan...
Or can you believe this one...
Space is the same thing as time, matter is the same thing as energy, energy is the same thing as time, time is the same thing as matter, matter is the same thing as space, space is the same thing as energy...
Can't believe it? There's more....
The Roman Empire destroyed a vast Empire which connected northern so-called barbarians to Carthage and the African world. All that remains of that advanced civilisation is a few standing stones....
How about this one...
The early Christians took over the Roman Empire after their original teaching had been completely subverted by a power-hungry infiltrator who pretended to believe the words of Jesus but who actually wanted to use the movement for his own ends. His name was Paul (later 'Saint' Paul)...
The most powerful diety in the world of Pre-Christian Europe and Africa was Hecate, the god at the crossroads between life and death. The early Christians adopted this symbolism....
Or here's another story...
The Buddha lived in Northern India in the Fifth Century before Christ. His teaching was carried by missionaries to the East and to the West. In the course of centuries the Buddhist message reached as far east as Tibet and then China, then Japan, eventually America. By the time of Jesus it had reached as far west as Egypt and as far north as Macedonia. There were Buddhist monks travelling through Judea and around the southern Roman Empire. Three wise monks came following a light in the sky to a stable in Bethlehem and bearing gifts. Jesus grew up learning a fusion of Judaism and Buddhist teaching...
Here's another story...
Fish swim,
Birds Fly,
People talk crap....
Don't believe it? How about this one...
North and South America were colonised before the ice age by Tibetan/Mongolian nomads who carried wisdom from before the previous eruption of the Yellowstone Caldara. This wisdom was preserved by the advanced people who had lived the subterranean cities under central Eurasia...
And so on and so forth...
Why not make up your own?


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