Thursday, April 19, 2007

The latest two videos are "Playing with Sound and Digital Paint" and "Future Cars".

"Playing with Sound and Digital Paint" is another abstract with a soundtrack. I create these type of soundtracks with a mixture of real instruments, midi sounds and effects created in "Audacity" (great freeware!). The digital paint effects have been processed through a whole long list of softwares, most of them freeware.

"Future Cars" is inspired by William Gibson's short story "The Gernsback Continuum". If you're not familiar with the story, perhaps this search will help. Google web search for "Gernsback continuum"

All work of my own placed here is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New player at has upgraded and one of the new features is this embedded blip player:

All work of my own placed here is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I have a new video up on Google, YouTube and also on (My show page on blip is: ) Today I've been busy uploading most of my video works to so all three sites have most of them now.

The new one is an animated version of Percy Shelley's poem "Ozymandias".

Here it is:

Google version:

YouTube version: version:

An animated poem flowing into animated abstract painting. Percy shelley's Poem "Ozymandias".

A speculativist work by Peter-David Smith

All work of my own placed here is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Still waiting

I'm still waiting for the 4 new videos to show up in the YouTube embedded channel, so here they are as direct links (basically the same as the Google versions but I like to keep track):

Spacewarp Portal

Proof positive that turning the heads of celebrities into balloons and exploding them above an Irish castle will cause spacewarp portals to open! Celebrities used: Beyonce Knowles, Paul McCartney, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, Kanye West, William Shakespeare, George Bush Senior and Groucho Marx.


Some views of my paintings. These are oil on canvas. The subject is landscape mystery.

Stepford Animal Lab

Creepy thoughts from a new recruit to the Bond villains club.

Planet Voyage

Smith is perhaps slightly confused by the new snooker rules.

All work of my own placed here is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License


Monday, April 02, 2007

Four new videos

I've put four new videos up on the web today. They're on YouTube and Google Video. In a little while I'll also add them to other web locations. The YouTube channel for all my videos (which will include these new ones when the YouTube site has processed them) is here:

And the Google links for the 4 new ones are:

Spacewarp Portal

Oil Paintings

Stepford Animal Lab

Planet Voyage

and there's also few new features on the sidebar, newsfeeds and a video search for videos marked "speculative".

All work of my own placed here is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License